Fortune magazine article on the value of recruiting military talent

Fortune magazine ran a good piece regarding what many readers of are already aware of: The high return on investment of recruiting military talent for roles in corporate America.

These lines sum up the article: “Veterans reentering the civilian workforce are increasingly finding a warm welcome. That’s especially true for young officers who have led combat units on the front lines. According to headhunters, human resources executives, and business school admissions officers, these candidates — most in their late 20s or early 30s, with a college degree and leadership experience far beyond that of their civilian peers — are stars waiting to happen.

Whatever one may think of the wars they have been sent to fight, there’s no question that these people can lead. And they are products of a military that has now learned, in response to unconventional warfare, to value independent and adaptive thinking.”

Korn Ferry previously studied the ability of military-experienced talent to translate their skills and training to business leadership and found “Companies led by (military-experienced) CEOs delivered higher average returns than the S&P 500 index over the one, three, five and ten-year horizons.”