Virtual is the New Normal

WASHINGTON (Gray DC) -- From concerts, to workout classes and even job fairs: across the country, public events are moving online to stop the spread of coronavirus. One company is trying to help veterans find jobs in the age of social distancing.
“There is absolutely an appetite for events like this.” said Chris Newsome, Senior VP of RecruitMilitary.
This online event could be the new normal, for now. RecruitMilitary holds job fairs for veterans, military families, and National Guardsmen both in person and virtually.
“You can still have that one-on-one, intimate interaction and have a face-to-face video interview essentially," Newsome said.
This particular event was supposed to take place in person at a football stadium but was moved to the web because of coronavirus. But Newsome said they’ve actually been hosting more virtual events recently.
Newsome said for an in-person event, there are space limitations for employers and job seekers, especially now with the CDC’s social distancing guidelines.
But online… that doesn’t matter.
As for those job seekers trying to score a new job from their living rooms, there are other challenges in play, according to Georgetown University communications professor Jeanine Turner.
“Every single thing: school, work, home, family, caretaking… everything is happening in the same space.” Turner said.
She said merging informal parts of life with the more formal, like job interviews, can be strange to some.
But given the circumstances, everyone has to adapt.
“Everyone’s trying to do the best they can, and they’re so much more accepting," Turner said. "And the humanness is coming through in these video situations.”
Right now, RecruitMilitary says it’s focused on hiring for companies working through the coronavirus pandemic. For more information on upcoming events, head to [their website.] (
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