Veteran Hiring Report Available

This past summer, RecruitMilitary conducted a survey on veteran hiring and retention. We emailed the survey to contacts at 112 employers that have used our products to recruit job candidates who have military backgrounds -- transitioning and veteran military, members of the National Guard and Reserves, and military spouses and other family members. We received 174 usable responses. Below are the first three of our seven questions and the responses. Do you have an existing veteran program? - Yes 82% - No 18% Do you feel that your veteran program is as successful as you’d like it to be? - Yes 44% - No 56% How are you currently gauging your success with the program? - Hiring numbers 82% - Attrition 32% - Leadership comfort level 22% - Social media recognition 17% - We aren’t currently gauging our success 9% - Other 7% For a PDF of the complete survey report, contact your RecruitMilitary account executive or our senior vice president of sales, Larry Slagel ([]( Mary Beth Miller is market research coordinator at RecruitMilitary. Contact her at [](