How Recruiters Can Help Veterans Communicate their Military Skills
As a recruiter, you can help. By asking questions about what a veteran actually did to succeed in their day-to-day duties, you can uncover intangible skills that have a direct correlation to the civilian world.
For example, ask a veteran who was responsible for computing artillery firing data what that job required, you will learn that it requires someone who can work with numbers, is a good team player, and can meet very tight deadlines under pressure. Those are skills that fit well into the civilian workplace.
The bottom line is this: if you’re struggling to understand a veteran’s skills during an interview, just ask. You might want to say something like this: “I think you may be a good fit for this position, but I am struggling a bit in making the match from a skill-point standpoint. Here is what the position requires … please tell me how your experience and skills would enable you to do that job.”
Veterans have a wide variety of skillsets that add value in the civilian world. The time you invest in helping veterans articulate those skills will pay off through bringing high-quality talent to your workplace.
For more information, reference: [How to Assess and Hire a Veteran Job Candidate](https://www.recruitmilitary.local/employers/resource/336-how-to-assess-and-hire-a-veteran-job-candidate)