5 Easy Ways to Retain Military Employees
What could be more important than retaining strong talent?
Employers are learning the importance of hiring from the military community, but it is just as important to know how to retain those top-performing hires, once you have them on the team. Use these 5 tips to retain your military veteran employees:
Tip1: Don’t Micromanage
The military community prides themselves on teamwork, dedication, and mission-accomplishment. Like many top performers, they often thrive without anyone looking over their shoulder. Micromanaging signals a lack of trust in someone’s ability or integrity. Show your military hires that you are confident in their ability, then stand back and watch them shine.
Tip 2: Create Opportunities to Learn and Develop
Individuals coming from the military are accustomed to ongoing professional development. Even small unit leaders are tasked with the professional development of their subordinates, which can include coursework, certifications, or added responsibilities that will shape them as leaders. Provide multiple opportunities for professional growth throughout the year, and the veterans in your organization will feel right at home.
Tip 3: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Ask any veteran their favorite part about serving, and the answer will likely be the teamwork and sense of camaraderie that was part of achieving a common goal. Replicate that environment in their civilian careers by creating military Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) within the organization, if there aren’t any.
Tip 4: Shout Out Employees Who are Crushing It
Who dislikes appreciation? Another integral aspect of military service includes recognition for hitting milestones (like promotion) or for a job well done. Instead of formal ceremony, give ample feedback to those in training and plenty of recognition to top performers. This is an easy way to show your veteran team members that they are on the right track without breaking the bank.
Tip 5: Make Mentoring Part of Your Culture
Nothing can replace the knowledge and coaching from someone who has travelled the path before you – which is probably why the military makes mentoring a key component in developing leaders. For someone who recently transitioned out of military service, a mentor in the civilian sector can make all the difference.
Mentorship could be established through the ERG, as part of the company’s training program, or by even working with a third party.
Ready to build out your teams with people who will grow with your organization?