4 Myths about Veteran Hiring Today – Dispelled

There are a number of myths circulating about military veterans – and if you’re confused about what’s true (and what’s not), we’re here to share some facts.
###Veteran Myth 1: Veteran unemployment is an epidemic.
There is a long-standing assumption that veteran unemployment is out of control. The stereotype of veterans roaming the streets, just one step away from destitution because they can’t find a job. In reality, veterans are MORE employed than the non-veteran population. [See the current unemployment rate here.](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/vets/latest-numbers)
However, veteran underemployment is a current issue. [More on that here.](https://recruitmilitary.com/employers/resource/941-underemployment-remains-an-issue-for-americas-veterans)
###Veteran Myth 2: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder afflicts most veterans.
When hiring managers and recruiters are honest, some confess a concern about the stigma of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You may be surprised to learn that across the services, only about 15% are in specialties related to combat – and of those who did, even fewer experience PTSD.
The truth is, many incredible leaders are combat-experienced individuals. Someone's military background is not a sole indicator for PTSD. It's time to leave this discriminatory mindset in the past.
###Veteran Myth 3: More social and government services are needed to address veteran unemployment.
According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, [over $224 million was spent on programs](https://www.va.gov/vetdata/Expenditures.asp) including veteran compensation & pension as well as education & vocational rehabilitation/employment. There are hundreds of veteran service organizations across the country, though the pandemic shut some of them down. Although not all address veteran hiring, there is no lack of service organizations focused on veterans.
The true struggle for employers and veterans alike is finding the right organizations that will support their unique needs. (Psst - we're here to help! See how we connect [companies](https://recruitmilitary.com/employers)and [job seekers](https://recruitmilitary.com/job-seekers) from the military community.)
###Veteran Myth 4: Veterans need special software to “translate” their experiences to civilian purposes.
In recent years, a number of organizations, including the government, have created software that purports to translate military occupational specialties into their civilian counterparts. The outputs of these systems are usually either comically obvious (an Army truck driver can be a truck driver) or unhelpful and limiting (an infantryman can be a security guard).
In practice, if you want to understand the value of a veteran’s skills and experience, just ask. They’ll be happy to tell you. Be ready to think (and hire) outside the box.
**So there you have it. Four myths about veteran hiring that hold companies back.**
The truth is, all companies want high-quality team members – veterans happen to be some of the best around.