Embracing a New Role: Leveraging Military Management Skills as a Veteran

From Navy Avionics Technician to Semi-Conductor Site Manager
Petty Officer First Class Bobby Yates was transitioning out of the U.S. Navy and wanted a job that aligned with his military experience. He found RecruitMilitary’s Placement Services and decided to sign up. Here’s how he found a fulfilling job as a site manager for a semiconductor company.
Military Background and Transition to Site Manager
Bobby Yates (BY): In the military, I was an avionics technician. I mostly worked on helicopters and basic jets. By the end of my term, my rank was E-6.
My new job title is site manager. I’m still in the training phase, but essentially, I’m in charge of managing teams for installation in a clean fab room environment for a semiconductor company.
Navigating Worth in the Civilian Job Market
BY: The biggest challenge was knowing what I’m worth in the civilian market.
I am management material, but employers were only offering me technician-style jobs, starting out from the bottom.” That was very frustrating. RecruitMilitary helped me with that.
Finding Purpose in Civilian Employment
BY: Moving from the military to this job was easy because I understood how to manage people, but it’s different.
I was up for the challenge. It’s been really fulfilling because I have basically all the management tools at my disposal from the military, and I am working alongside my team.
That is another aspect that made it easier, because in the military, we’re tight knit. The individuals on my team are very tight knit. We all just want to go home at the end of the day safe and sound and get paid for it.
Every day I look forward to going to my job. It gives me purpose and just the right amount of stress. I have to stay ahead of the game, so I don’t slip up. The money, the challenge, and the people are the best things about the job.
Leveraging Military Management Skills with Compassion and Empathy
BY: In the military, I met people from so many different places. Everybody’s got different cultures and backgrounds. Same thing with the civilian world.
When it comes to management, it’s easy just to organize things and let them know what they need to do. But there’s also a level of compassion and empathy needed.
Empowering Military Transitions with Tailored Support
BY: If you’re not using RecruitMilitary, you should. I’ve used other recruitment companies, and RecruitMilitary is by far the best. RecruitMilitary understood my military skills and how to translate that to the civilian market.
Whatever you want to do, even if it’s not what you did in the military, I would say go for it. Don’t cut yourself short. The people at RecruitMilitary are there to help you.
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