The Dirty Dozen: 12 Tips for Getting Hired, Part 5

Veterans love to tell war stories, so tailor a couple of your best to share. Outline a problem, the steps you took to resolve it, and the result. Use specifics – man hours saved, promotions, awards, increased efficiency, cost savings, etc.
This will help others visualize you in action. And they also make great bullet points for your resume.
Chances are, if the recruiters you are speaking with are veterans themselves, they can relate. If they are civilians, they’ll probably find your story fascinating. Sharing stories helps break the ice; makes you memorable; and gives the recruiter a break from the standard Q&A.
Prepare a “cheat sheet” ahead of time. Drawing a blank? Asking yourself a few of the following questions may get your wheels turning:
###Leadership Skills
From small unit leaders up to commanders, veterans manage, train, mentor, and develop the people who report to them.
**If you trained anyone:**
• What did you train them to do?
• Did you create a curriculum and/or lesson plans?
• What was your pass/success rate?
Knowing you can train your replacement clears one more hurdle in your journey up the corporate ladder.
**If you managed anyone:**
• Did you supervise day-to-day tasks and workloads?
• Did you learn to assess, evaluate, and provide constructive feedback?
Chances are, you mentored and developed others under your command.
• Was anyone promoted?
• Were there any challenges you faced as a leader? Talk about how you overcame them.
A success story lets employers see how you can be a problem solver on their team.
###Counting Stuff and Fixing Stuff
More than likely, you managed inventory, or you oversaw the maintenance, and repair of critical equipment.
• Talk about the type, amount, and value of the equipment. Work in a strong record of safety and accuracy.
• Did you recognize a process that could be improved, and develop a procedure or system leading to:
o Lowered costs?
o Increased efficiency or productivity?
o Reduced man hours?
o Did you craft effective standard operating procedures?
###Tip #12: Stay Positive
Let’s face it: a job hunt can be stressful. Keeping your confidence intact is challenging, yet essential to your success. You’re not alone. A study for Everest College conducted by Harris Interactive in 2013 revealed that 92 percent of job seekers fear some aspect of the interview process, from nervousness to being over- or under-qualified.
It’s important to keep in mind that YOU are in control of your destiny.