Thank You Letter Tips

Job seekers often overlook a simple but important step in the interview process: sending a thank-you letter. WHY? **Many people simply fail to recognize its significance.**

A job seeker who wants to be remembered will send a thank-you letter to the interviewer *and* to the other individuals you met through the interview process.

Here are some tips on writing this important document:

- The letter to the interviewer should be short.
- Summarize your qualifications in one or two sentences.
- Mention military experience in the context of your qualifications for the job.
- Mention one or two specific subjects that you discussed during the interview.
- Use a professional tone but allow your personality to show.
- Proofread your letter before sending.
- Send the letter on the same day as the interview, if at all possible.

**Remember - a good thank-you letter can be a “tie-breaker” that separates you from other qualified job candidates.**