Why is military to civilian skills matching so important?

Turnover is expensive. The estimated costs vary but it is a business disrupter that most companies want to reduce. The most damaging turnover occurs in the employee’s first year when a company is heavily investing in the employee’s training and onboarding but the employee’s business impact is not fully realized.

So when I learned about a negative report regarding veteran retention, it got my attention knowing that first year performance is so important to employers who are hirers of military.

According to the VetAdvisor/Syracuse University report, 65% of veterans are likely to leave their first civilian job in under two years. One reason mentioned is poor military to civilian skills matching.

Matching is a critical step, and not just for skill set – also for goals, growth, career path, purpose and culture – they are all part of the equation.

This is critical area of value for Bradley-Morris, Inc. clients as we utilize patented military to civilian skills matching software, combine it with more than two decades of real world position matching successes and back it up with a guarantee.

Whether you leverage your internal resources or a recruiter such as Bradley-Morris, successful military to civilian skills matching will produce a win-win offer for the candidate and a long-term high-performer for the employer.

Bobby Whitehouse


Image courtesy of James Petts

P.S. In contrast, what is your experience with civilian retention? This survey says that only 26% of green grads (arguably in a similar situation as military/veterans, i.e., in their initial civilian job) stay in their first job for a year. Perhaps the report about veteran retention warrants a positive spin instead? Let me know what you think.