How to increase your talent pool and save money by hiring transitioning military
When your company needs talent, you may limit your search to a 40 or 50 mile radius from the hiring location. Relocating new employees is extremely expensive and usually not an option for many of the non-management positions.
However, if you considered transitioning military candidates, your reach could be coast to coast.
Here’s why: When military members reach the end of their obligation to serve, the government provides them with a free move equal to the distance between where they entered the military and their last duty assignment. For example: A person joins the Marine Corps near their home town, Dayton, Ohio and their last assignment is Twenty Nine Palms, California. The military member is entitled to movement of household goods and mileage for a distance of over 2,000 miles. They are also entitled to storage of some or most of their household goods for up to a year.
Now you can look virtually anywhere for that skilled mechanic, electrician, or electronics technician. Problem solved.