Hire a Veteran at a RecruitMilitary Virtual Career Fair

Virtual job fairs let companies create a veteran-friendly environment in custom-built chat rooms. They can access critical candidate data such as military security clearances, rank, experience, and education. Customized greetings, company logos, images, links to career pages and social media, videos, job listings, and contact information can be placed strategically on the landing page.
The most successful companies utilize several recruiters for the event and avoid making candidates wait to have a conversation. More than a dozen personnel from one company have connected with veteran job seekers at these events.
Some of the Top Academic Majors:
Business Administration: Management
Business Administration
Criminal Justice
General Studies
Human Resource Management
Information Technology
Information Systems/Technology Management
Computer & Information Science
Company Successes:
Past participating exhibitors shared their wins:
“I’ve already had a candidate apply and have scheduled an interview.”
“I’m on a roll! I read the manuals ahead of time and jumped right in.”
“We traveled over the U.S. for recruiting, but our budget doesn’t really support that anymore. This is a great way for us to still connect with military all over the U.S. without having to leave our offices (or coffee shop today!).”
“It’s an interesting way of connecting across the nation. We have 33 centers in different states, so this is a cool way of interacting with people from all over. I’ve had a couple of good candidates that we will be following up with after the event.”
“It’s my first virtual event, and I’m pleasantly surprised how this event was organized. I love how quick and attentive the recruiters are – so convenient not to have to wait in lines. I would highly recommend to other veterans in the future!”
Learn more about attending a virtual career fair here.
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