Military Job Placement Firm Bradley-Morris profiled in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Devra Henderson
Bradley-Morris, Inc. & RecruitMilitary

Article demonstrates how leading corporations are looking to former military personnel to fill civilian jobs

Atlanta, Georgia, November 5, 2006 – Bradley-Morris, Inc. (BMI), the largest military job placement firm in the U.S., was recently featured on the cover of The Atlanta Journal Constitution’s Jobs section (click here for a print version of the article). The piece was entitled “You’re NOT in the Army now – Former military personnel find that Uncle Sam’s not the only one looking for a few good men and women.”

The article focuses on the value that the perpetual military-experienced talent pool holds for employers, and interviews two ex-military service members who recall their road to accepting challenging and fulfilling positions with leading companies in their respective industries.

Shaun Bradley, co-CEO and president of BMI, spoke to the demand for military-experienced talent in the article: “The only companies who don’t make hiring former military a priority are the companies who haven’t talked with them yet. These are the Mercedes of job candidates.”

Sandra (Sandy) Morris, co-CEO and treasurer of the company, was asked about the key role BMI plays in helping the job seekers connect with companies who are looking for their high demand skill sets. She commented, “We’re in the education business. We teach candidates about what is different about the civilian job market and give them the tools to navigate it, and we tell our corporate clients why they should hire former military [personnel].”

Employers who are seeking high caliber job seekers currently experiencing military transition can utilize BMI, especially if these employers are seeking leadership and management positions; project engineers; production engineers/supervisors; manufacturing engineers/supervisors; operations and logistics engineers/supervisors; electrical, mechanical and maintenance technicians; field service technicians; and sales/sales management personnel.

To register for a BMI Hiring Conference event, employers and job seekers can go to

About Bradley-Morris, Military Job Placement Firm

Bradley-Morris, Inc. (BMI), the largest military job placement firm in the U.S., expertly matches the top leadership, technical, operations, sales and diversity candidates who are experiencing military transition with the leading civilian jobs in the Fortune 1000 and emerging company sectors. Our client-focused approach yields superior return-on-investment and results in a 96% customer service satisfaction rating from the valued companies that partner with us. In addition, 90% of our military job seekers receive interest from these companies by taking advantage of our free Hiring Conference process. Serving the U.S., Europe and Asia, Bradley-Morris is headquartered in metro-Atlanta, GA, and can be found on the web at
