You Won’t Get Lost in the Crowd with These Post-Engagement Best Practices

Post-engagement communication is a gift, one that’s often overlooked by job seekers. It’s an opportunity to stand out from the pack, re-state your value and remain in the front of recruiters’ minds when they are considering who to hire.
Whether it’s at a career fair or in an interview, thanking people for their time and consideration is a good thing to do. Many candidates make the mistake of thinking that there isn’t a real person on the other end of the communication, and therefore do not need to respond. But hiring managers do indeed pay attention to if, when, and how job seekers follow up.
Furthermore, studies show that between 80-90 percent of recruiters and hiring managers like being thanked. In a survey conducted by Accutemps, HR managers were asked, "How helpful is it for a promising job candidate to send a thank-you following an interview?"
Very helpful 59%
Somewhat helpful 32%
HR managers also were asked, "Which of the following are appropriate methods for job applicants to thank an employer following an interview?"
Email 87%
Phone call 81%
Handwritten note 38%
A thank you note, or call poses a unique opportunity to re-tell your story and plug your qualifications. It also lets you clarify questions that arose during the conversation. Did you learn something new about a role the company has open that aligns with your training or experience? Express it. Did you connect with an interviewer on a hobby, new article, or best practice? Include it.
Don’t rely on tired old phrases that make your communication look like or sound like everyone else’s. Take a few moments after an interview or conversation to write down the high points, and then use them to sound fresh and original.
###Captain Obvious###
Keep in mind the proverb, “He who hesitates is lost” as far as the timing of your follow up. It should occur within 24 hours. Even better? Within just a couple of hours after your conversation.
Be succinct. A couple of paragraphs will do, especially if they are original and specifically tailored to the discussion you had. A phone call should be short and to the point.
A handwritten note should be professionally written, slang-free, and include proper grammar and spelling.
If a recruiter asks you to call them or emails you, REPLY! And do it QUICKLY! Opportunity is waiting.