What to Expect at an In-Person DAV | RecruitMilitary Career Fair (Job Seeker FAQ)

Here is what you need to know to have the best possible experience. (Don't have time to read right now? [Use this checklist.](https://go.hirevets.com/Candidate_In_Person_Event_Checklist))
- **RECRUITMILITARY PROFILE:** Your RecruitMilitary professional profile allow exhibitors and some employers on our job board to view your work history, industry interests, resume, and more.
- **EVENT BOARDING PASS:** Once you've checked into the event, your event "boarding pass" will populate, allowing you to enter the career fair and begin networking.
- **PERSONAL QR CODE:** At the event, you will use your personal QR code to share your RecruitMilitary profile with exhibitors. **You will receive your QR code with your boarding pass once you have checked in on the morning of the event.**
###Read the Event FAQ
####1. How do I register for a DAV | RecruitMilitary career fair?
A. If you have a [RecruitMilitary profile](https://success.recruitmilitary.com/jobs#signin), you can register for events easily through your profile.
If you do not have a RecruitMilitary profile, simply choose which [upcoming events on our schedule](https://success.recruitmilitary.com/events/schedule) appeal to you, click “Registration," and follow the instructions from there.
*By registering early for the event, you can:*
- *Access the exhibitor list and open jobs*
- *Speed up the check-in process*
- *Receive extra guidance and resources*
- *Upload your resume (or use the resume builder) for employers to find you*
####2. Why do I need a RecruitMilitary profile?
A. Your [RecruitMilitary profile](https://success.recruitmilitary.com/jobs#signin) will allow exhibitors to view your information and resume digitally. This is why it's imperative to have a strong profile!
####3. How can I create a strong RecruitMilitary profile?
A. Employers use the search function to find you, so the more you give them to search, the better! **Fill out every field in your [RecruitMilitary profile](https://success.recruitmilitary.com/jobs#signin)** and give as much relevant information as you can. Then, upload your resume to your profile.
[Watch this 2-minute video to learn more.](https://youtu.be/y70optsdxcQ)
####4. Should I bring copies of my resume to the event?
A. Bring a few paper copies, but for the most part, you will share your RecruitMilitary profile (via QR code) with exhibitors.
Complete your [RecruitMilitary profile](https://success.recruitmilitary.com/jobs#signin) by filling in all possible fields and uploading your resume. If you do not have a resume, this platform can also help you build one to share with exhibitors at the event.
####5. Where do I find my personal QR code?
A. On the morning of the event, you will receive instructions and a link to begin your check in process. Your personal QR code will be on the "Boarding Pass" that populates as a result of your successful check-in.
####6. Do you offer resources to help job seekers prepare for the event?
A. Absolutely! We offer [live webinars](https://recruitmilitary.com/eventprep), instructional videos, resume tips, and much more on our [Resources page](https://recruitmilitary.com/job-seekers/resources/resources).
We will also send information and updates about your DAV | RecruitMilitary career fair to your registered email or phone number.
Be sure to follow us on [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/recruitmilitary), [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/recruitmilitary), [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/recruit_military/), or [Twitter](https://twitter.com/RecruitMilitary) for additional resources.
####7. What should I wear?
A. Dress professionally, but make sure whatever you wear makes you feel comfortable and confident. Business casual is perfect for this type of event, though if you have a well-fitting suit, that can make a great first impression.
####8. Where do I find parking for the event?
A. All event details can be found on the "Venue" section of the registration page for your upcoming event.
####9. How can I stand out to recruiters at the event?
A. Use this time to stand out by sharing your elevator pitch with recruiters, network and find out more about the organizations with roles that interest you. Be sure to ask well thought out questions of the recruiters based on looking at their website and open positions in advance.
####10. How soon after the event should I follow up?
A. Between 24 to 48 hours after the event is a good window. Thank the contact for their time at the event and bring up specific things you discussed at the career fair to keep yourself fresh in their mind.
Follow-up is a huge thing that people often overlook, but it makes a really big difference in how you are perceived by the company.
####11. Should I connect with the recruiter on LinkedIn?
A. It depends. If you talked to the recruiter in depth about a specific position and they have mentioned “next steps,” then it would be appropriate to send a request as well as thank them for their time though LinkedIn. They can decide whether to accept your request or not, but it is good way to reach out.
###Have more questions? Email us at [events@recruitmilitary.com](events@recruitmilitary.com).
From all of us here at RecruitMilitary, best of luck in your job search, and thank you for service.