Veterans Have What Top 10 U.S. Companies Need

The list of greatest needs can serve as a blueprint for approaching your job search. Management, communications, sales, and customer service showed up the most, all skills that keep large companies moving forward.
###You’re A Manager###
Remember that management covers a wide swath of areas, including people, finances, products, projects, inventory, logistics, and operations.
• Did you supervise day-to-day tasks and workloads?
• Did you learn to assess, evaluate, and provide constructive feedback?
• Was anyone promoted under your watch?
• Were there any challenges you faced as a leader? Talk about how you overcame them.
A success story lets employers see how you can be a problem solver on their team.
**Processes, Machinery, Inventory**
Did you manage inventory and/or oversee maintenance and repair of critical equipment?
• Talk about the type, amount, and value of the equipment. Work in a strong record of safety and accuracy.
• Did you recognize a process that could be improved, and develop a procedure or system leading to:
o Lowered costs?
o Increased efficiency or productivity?
o Reduced man hours?
o Did you craft effective standard operating procedures?
###You’re a Leader###
Tim Mossholder is a former U.S. Naval officer and the Vice President of Experience at Bradley-Morris/RecruitMilitary. “The idea that a leader is a leader is a leader doesn’t work across the board. There’s no set formula to solve problems across the spectrum,” he said.
Because people require different leadership and motivation, you probably learned to use a variety of leadership styles. Telling recruiters about times you had to use different methods, such as getting your own hands dirty with the rest of the team or acting as a big brother, demonstrates that you’re versatile and can pivot according to the situation.
###You’re a Skilled Communicator###
“Not only are military members required to clearly communicate within multi-level organizations, they are also constantly working and cross-coordinating throughout time-sensitive and extreme constrains, where effective communication is pivotal,” said Heidi Miller, a former Army officer and Candidate Experience Manager Bradley-Morris/RecruitMilitary.
“Throughout the interview process, effective and clear communication is everything!” Miller continued. “If you are likable, can relate skill sets and experiences to either company or role specifications, and prove that you are a valuable asset, it can make the difference in selection above more qualified candidates, a higher salary offer, or a referral to a more senior-level position.”
Hiring is expensive. Tying in your leadership, management, and communication skills into each aspect of your job search will show organizations how you can add value to their team.