Veteran Job Seeking Skills Include Connecting

Veteran Job Seeking Skills Include ConnectingWhen veterans look for a post-military career, one of the key skills is “Connecting”. In this article about the A to Zs of veteran job seeking, the “C” stands for “Connect”. In part, it reads:

Connect: Join LinkedIn. Join Groups. Connect with people in groups. Connect with on LinkedIn. Connect with other veterans. Attend mixers. Join professional business groups like the Rotary Club or Kiwanis.

Connect: Work backward. Instead of looking for a company that might be hiring someone of your skill set, research companies that interest you. Review their job opportunities and contact the hiring manager. You might even ask if they have a special initiative for hiring veterans. If so, ask to speak with their contact.

There is also a section on “D” – Don’t get Discouraged.

Read the full article here.