The Importance of Mentors in the Military Community

Mentors are trusted counselors. Sometimes a teacher, sometimes an influential senior, sometimes someone who knows an industry well - mentors serve as touchstones whose advice can bring us back to our intended path when we have gotten stuck in the weeds.
###Mentors Can Provide Leadership by Example
Some mentors show others the way by doing it themselves. “I had very tough commanding officers, but they never put me in a situation that they wouldn’t go into themselves," one Marine Corps veteran remembered. "It all boiled down to top-notch training. They taught me how to be proficient at my job, to be safe, and to go at things the right way.”
“I worked in a small unit and I was the youngest by fifteen years,” said a Sailor. “Two of my superiors really took an interest in me when I was fresh and green. They guided me along and groomed me for my promotion to E-5. By watching them, I learned what it takes to be a good leader. They also taught me how to watch out for junior personnel. I never forget their example when I have people working under me now.”
###Mentors Will Tell You Things No One Else Will
Mentorship can be helpful at any point in someone's career, but in the military-to-civilian transition especially. Why? They can help you identify avoidable obstacles before it's "crunch" time.
For example, the resume you build in your transition workshop doesn't fit industry standards for your next role, your corporate or civilian mentor would be able to advise the changes. Or maybe you need to reframe your explanations or adjust your outreach technique, your mentor is the one who you can rely on. Of course, if you receive feedback from employers during the process, always take that into account.
###What to Expect from a Mentor
Mentors provide career advice and guidance and may even connect you with people or opportunities. However, IT’S NOT THEIR JOB TO GET YOU A JOB, AN INTERVIEW, OR A PROMOTION. It’s still on you to use the resources and knowledge to make things happen.
###Find a Mentor
RecruitMilitary is working with multiple mentorship organizations to ensure long-term career results for veterans and military spouses.
####Still Serving Veterans
SSV provides practical advice for navigating the often challenging road to finding meaningful post-military work and building a civilian life you’ll love. They’re here to help you build a better future wherever you live (or want to live). Every career counselor is a Veteran who understands the unique needs of Veterans and their families. [Find a mentor through Still Serving Veterans](
####American Corporate Partners
ACP’s free Mentoring Program connects post-9/11 veterans, active duty spouses and eligible military spouses (Protégés) with corporate professionals (Mentors) for customized mentorships. ACP assists veterans and eligible spouses on their path towards fulfilling, long-term careers, whether the veteran is job searching or newly employed. [Find a mentor through ACP](