“Free” Resume Critiques: Buyer Beware
Lately, a number of my clients have shared the results of various “free” resume critiques with me and, quite frankly, I have been less than impressed. If a free resume critique seems more like a cleverly disguised sales pitch than an honest, constructive, and detailed assessment, take it with a grain of salt. Apparently I am not the only one with suspicions. Checkout this frustrated blogger’s experience with her free resume critique through CareerBuilder: http://www.cheezhead.com/2009/05/22/ved-careerbuilder-resume-critique-baffles-blogger/
Canned responses will often contain your name (i.e. “Dear [fill in the blank]) – but that’s where the specificity ends. To guarantee a quality resume critique done by a professional, consider the source. Are they reputable? What are their credentials? Are they a certified resume writer or a key player in the hiring process? Do they have experience in working with a military resume specifically? Do you suspect that they will say anything to make a sale? Are the services sold one size fits all? Is the critique person-to-person or via email? Look for the referencing of specific details contained within your resume (i.e. the placement of your security clearance; the misspelling of “troubleshooting”; your recruiting experience; second position listed, third bullet down, etc.). Does the resume critique seem canned?
For a truly free resume critique, I encourage everyone to show their resume to as many members of their inner circle as possible. Those who know you best and truly care about your future career goals are often the best source for candid resume advice. Coworkers also make great resources and often come up with marketable skills that you may have overlooked.
At MilitaryResumes.com, not only will we honestly evaluate your resume over the phone and person-to-person, we offer a full range of customizable resume services to meet your needs, no matter how big or small. As a veteran-run company backed by years of experience in finding jobs for veterans, we do not believe in selling services to those who don’t need them. So if you, like me, are weary of a seemingly canned resume critique, give MilitaryResumes.com a try. Or contact me at jrichardson@militaryresumes.com.